Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (ALARA) was formed in 1975
The membership has now grown to over 200, with many Australian members sponsoring overseas YLs into ALARA.
The term “YL” stands for “young lady” – regardless of age.
The Associations mission is to encourage women’s interest and active participation in amateur radio.
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Results of the ALARA CONTEST 2024 have been officially announced and although everyone is a winner just for taking part
in this fun and relaxed contest, we did have some serious competitors with some serious big scores!
Congratulations to Scavey VK2SJC and Alisha VK2FASH VK7C for such a close race to take out the Top Scoring Australian YL Trophy. Well done ladies!
Check out the full list of winners (and past contest winners), on our Contest Page.
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ALARAmeet 2023 Tasmania
ALARAmeet is a once in every three years event. It is an opportunity to meet other YLs of our organisation and other Amateur Radio Operators in person, having communicated over the airwaves for years.
ALARAmeet 2023 took place on November 4-5 in Hobart Tasmania.
Visit our ALARAmeet page for a Slideshow of some of the highlights of this event. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this event such a success, we look forward to seeing you all at the next one!
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Member Profiles
Want to find out more about the ladies you hear chatting on air? ALARA members hail from all over Australia, and we also have our sponsored DX members
scattered around the world. Our members vary in age from schoolgirls to retirees; we have varied backgrounds and careers,
along with our families and other hobbies and interests. You can read about some of our members on these pages and learn a little about their background to discuss
next time you meet them on air!
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ALARA offers a limited number of grants to women applying for an ACMA recognition certificate (Foundation) or upgrading to a Standard or Advanced recognition certificate.
The grant is equal to half the cost incurred for obtaining the recognition certificate and callsign. In addition, we will provide a complimentary membership to ALARA
for one year. For more details go to the grants section of the membership page.
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Net | Day | Time | Frequency |
Official ALARA Net | First & Third Mondays. Second, Fourth, (& Fifth when it occurs) Mondays. |
1030 UTC (1000 UTC during daylight saving) 1030 UTC (1000 UTC during daylight saving) |
Echolink 3.635 |
Birthday Net | 4th Saturday in July | 1000-1200 UTC | 3.635 |
ANZA DX Net | Daily, with Thursdays currently being 'Ladies Day' | 0515 UTC. List Operation, give your call to Net Control and stand by for your turn on the list. | 14.183 |
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Office Bearers and Contacts
Need to get in touch? Contact details for the Publicity Officer, Office Bearers and State Representatives.
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There are a range of membership options for joining ALARA or receiving the ALARA newsletter.
You can even sponsor overseas friends into ALARA and become a member of a DX association in return.
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ALARAmeet is a wonderful way to meet other YLs of our organisation and their OMs are welcome too.
Up to 80 people attend our meets now and YLs have come from England, Sweden, America, Germany and New Zealand.
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The ALARA award is available to YLs, OMs and SWLs contacting ALARA members on or after 30th June 1975.
All licensed operators throughout the world are invited to participate.
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