ALARA members hail from all over Australia, and we also have our sponsored DX members scattered around the world.
Our members vary in age from schoolgirls to retirees; we have various backgrounds and careers, along with our families and other hobbies and interests.
You can read about some of our members on these pages and learn a little about their background to discuss next time you meet them on air!
Lyn was born in Ireland but spent most of her life on Sweers Island, in northern Australia's Gulf of Carpentaria,
where she and her husband established a small fishing lodge.
She gained her license in 2004 and operates several callsigns: VK4SWE, VK4EI (mostly on CW) and VK4EJM
(in honour of her father who was a ships' radio officer, travelling the world
for Marconi Marine before settling down at the coastal wireless station EJM Malin Head, Ireland, where Lyn was born.)
Lyn and her OM Tex retired from their island fishing lodge in 2024 and now live in Cairns.
What kinds of things do you currently do with ham radio?
I have downsized my station when we moved to Cairns. On the island, I had a big DX setup: 50ft tower, Hex Beam, FT2000 radio with amp etc,
but I am actually enjoying the simpler setup here. So far I just have a wire up for 20m but have chatted with old pals in all over Australia,
Hawaii, mainland USA and even Europe.
I like DX and Ragchews and am a regular member of the ANZA DX Net, especially on Thursdays which are 'Ladies' Day'.
I love the camaraderie of the regulars in the group, and when I used to go back to work afterwards, I felt like I'd "been" to New
Caledonia, Fiji, Alaska or USA. I wasn't really into contesting or digital modes - I think I enjoy chatting too much! - but since moving
to the mainland I've had the opportunity to take part in Club Activities and and finding contest days a lot of fun when part of a group.
My favourite mode is CW and yep, I can drag out a fairly long QSO there too! Currently, a few of us YLs (and a couple of OMs) have a training
group on air and we're having lots of fun practicing our CW.
When we lived on the island, I was very involved in the IOTA - Islands On The Air - Program, and often set up scheds with DX island
chasers, as well as taking a portable setup on holidays and setting up on the beach for short activations.
There was great satisfaction in "giving the island" to armchair travellers all over the world.
Now I enjoy showing visitors my little radio shack and also my morse key collection, though I keep
telling my OM that: "I am not a Collector, they just followed me home!"
What are your favourite non-radio activities?
I enjoy lots of outdoor activities: jogging, cycling, swimming and kayaking - including learning the traditional Greenland-style 'Eskimo
I also enjoy yoga, reading, writing, painting, cooking and music. I join some of the locals in the Irish Pub for weekly traditional music sessions.
Before COVID19, my husband and I enjoyed traveling to different lands and
cultures, so I am really glad to have the hobby of Amateur Radio to keep me in touch with overseas friends and enable me to 'travel'
via the airwaves.
What do you do for work?
My husband and I have just retired in late 2023 from 36 years of running a small fishing lodge on Sweers Island, which we established on the previously uninhabited
island with a couple of friends. Sweers is 20 miles off the coast; most guests fly in and a weekly barge supplies fuel, food, and mail.
We did all the cooking & cleaning, so the daily tasks include baking bread, cleaning showers and toilets, restocking the bar fridge,
ordering next week's fruit & veg, confirming bookings via email, updating the website and facebook page, helping guests to fillet their
catch of fish, showing them round the island and identifying the varied birdlife.
We sold the business to a lovely local family in 2023 and retired to the 'Big Island' where we are now busier than ever hihi. We live in a lovely village-style community in Cairns,
with the rainforest right at our back door. There are lots of activities to join in, we have lovely neighbours, and enjoy exploring this part of Australia.
Biggest ham related success?
Making contact with the rare IOTA DX station ZL8R on Raoul Island in 2006. The island is an active volcano off the coast of New Zealand and normally closed to the public. The IOTA group had only a few days to operate, and I didn't think my 100w and slow morse would stand a chance. A seasoned DXer advised me to let the pileups go for the first few days, to whittle down the numbers of IOTA chasers, then start calling on the final days. I tried and tried, and on the second last day, heard them calling: "VK or ZL?" This was the best chance, as they were actively listening for us rather than Europe or USA... but our staff were having a birthday party and my OM called me to hurry up and come on! I rang my Elmer so he could try for them, then ran through the house, catching my little toe on the sliding door, snapping and dislocating it. While my OM rang the Flying Doctor and my dog tried to lick it better, I pushed it back into position and hobbled across to the 'party'. Next day I tried again, and on their final call of 'VK and ZL only please' - I got through! I picked my callsign out of the pileup and confirmed the contact with a QSL card, on which I wrote proudly: 'The Toe Breaker!' Persistence is key! (pardon the pun!)
How do people describe you ?
'Energetic, enthusiastic, chatty, organised.' That's what I'm told anyway! I don't think I am as organised as I used to be, and wish I was more organised so I could fit more things into the day! There are so many more aspects of ham radio that I would like to try out - like Foxhunting, SOTA, and joining my club members in support for endurance horse riding events and ocean swim comms support.
How have you benefited from being an ALARA member?
It's been terrific to meet like-minded YLs on air and being a member of ALARA has helped me hugely in this regard. The hobby of Amateur Radio is not 'dominated' by males, but there are certainly more of them on air, so it is great to have a group of enthusiastic YLs to support each other and encourage more young girls into this fascinating and many-faceted hobby. It is great to attend ALARA gatherings to meet other YLs face-to-face, and I know I have benefited from the sharing of information, tips and knowledge from some of our leading YL DXers, such as June VK4SJ and Kirsti VK9NI.
What is your role in ALARA?
I've been the VK4 Rep for a few years now. I liaise with the Committee and VK4 members, sharing information with the group, assisting new members and reminding everyone when their subs are due! If I lived on the east coast this position would entail organising regular meetups which was hard to do when living on an island, but now that I am in Cairns, I look forward to more meetups. I was delighted to help organise the 2017 ALARAMEET in Cairns, where we got to share some of our tropical North Queensland with YLs from all over Australia and New Zealand. I've been Webmistress for a couple of years and enjoy keeping our online profile up to date both on the website and facebook page. My ham buddy Col VK4CC taught me how to code a few years ago, so in my spare time (!) I am working on updating the style and layout of the website.
How did you get your licence ?
When I started to study for my license, my Elmer told me that due to my isolated location, there was no point "stuffing around" with
a limited license, he said that I would "need 20m to talk to anyone from here" and thus I "might as well go straight for Advanced."
Ignorance is bliss, so I did! I struggled initially with the physics, but once I joined Ron Bertrand's Online Radio and Electronics
School, I found it much easier. I was assigned a very helpful Facilitator who answerered all my 'Silly Qs' and mentored me to 'Exam Ready'.
My exam papers were mailed to me in a closed envelope - sealed with red sealing wax! Very official! The 'local' senior police officer came
across from the mainland to supervise, I mailed off the papers and waited in anticipation for the results - a good solid Pass, myself and my Elmer
Harold VK4ANR could now chat on air! He was my first contact - on CW of course - and he says my first words, when he sent my callsign, were "Help!"
Probably the only 'short Over' I've ever sent!