ALARA members hail from all over Australia, and we also have our sponsored DX members scattered around the world.
Our members vary in age from schoolgirls to retirees; we have various backgrounds and careers, along with our families and other hobbies and interests.
You can read about some of our members on these pages and learn a little about their background to discuss next time you meet them on air!
Bev is our most Western member, hailing from Geralton on the west coast of Australia.
How did you get involved in ham radio and get your licence ?
My interest in AR began in the mid-1970's, when several farmers in our area bought AM CB Radios for on farm and between
farm communication. CB radios had to be licensed those days. At first all we could hear were the local farmers, then people
from Australia and Overseas. One of the farmers had his Novice license and encouraged Brian and I to study for our
Novice license, as we were interested in talking to people. The study was a challenge. We had no one to help us, so
bought some text books and tapes. It was sheer determination and 2 trips to Perth for exams, that finally got us through,
and VK6NYL (Nice Young Lady) and VK6NOM (Naughty Old Man) were on the air in 1979. We moved to Geraldton in 1981, and with
the help from the AR Club, we upgraded in 1984 to VK6AI and VK6DE.
What are your main interests within ham radio?
In the early years, when propagation was very good, I enjoyed working for awards. Not sure how many I have, as I put together an album of photos and awards and I gave these to Jen, VK3WQ to go into the ALARA History. Contests included; JOTA; ALARA; RD; John Moyle. The Geraldton Club had stations set up in the Bi-Centennial Travelling Exhibition and at other times, in different areas of the town. I also enjoyed the YL Nets.
What are your favourite activities outside of ALARA?
When the children all started school I took up golf and bowls. We also played tennis, & badminton in the local hall.
We moved to Geraldton in 1981 when our elder son married. I continued with bowls, and joined the lapidary club.
Brian and I joined both the AR and 4WD Clubs. We enjoyed travelling and covered a lot of Australia either by caravan
and /or camping. In 1983 we did a world trip, meeting many amateurs we had spoken to. Hong Kong,China & Japan was another
trip, plus several others. When Brian died November 2000, I continued my travels with family and friends.
I enjoy crafts such as fused glass, sewing, scrap booking and belong to 2 garden groups.
What have been your main radio successes?

DXCC; Dick Smith's Balloon Crossing of Australia 1993, helped as a relay station; Coordinating ALARAMEET 1996 in Perth. Can't remember anything else!!!
What did you do for work?

I worked as a Clerk in an office in Perth before I married a farmer in 1955. Now that was a steep learning curve!!! 3 children under 3; cooking for shearers, farmhands etc, there was no time to go to work in Mullewa, 35kms away. My work was well and truly at home without the mod cons of these days.
What is your role in ALARA and how has being a member been a benefit?

I joined ALARA in 1980 and have enjoyed meeting many Members. The first ALARAMEET Brian and I attended was in Dubbo in 1990, when we took the caravan. I've been lucky to attend them all since then, the last one with my daughter Cheryl. The YL MEETS in New Zealand, Adelaide and Sicily were great. I've been VK6 Rep for ALARA for several years now, and will continue to do so for as long as I'm able.